Monday, December 25, 2023

My view... 2023-12-25-0001



  1. God's Only Begotten Son is not the self proclaimed Orange Nazi Jesus of the MAGA Republicans... and if you don't believe me, take it up the only true God... the only one who knows... and not your loser, "Li'l Donnie", wannabe dictator...!

  2. One, two, three smites you're out, (not to mention 91 felony counts and numerous other crimes against America and Americans),
    so sayeth God Almighty... Trump's ultimate Judge... and the one he didn't appoint... but claims he did…!

  3. Sieg heil mein "Li'l Führer"... or as God says; see fire and brimstone my "Li'l Donnie", as your time has come and God's will be done...!

  4. When it rains, it pours... and God knows how to make it rain... and on whoever he chooses...! And, like "Li'l Donnie" likes to say; he is the chosen one...!

  5. No one can bring out the true spirit of Christmas Like "Li'l Donnie" and his vengeful, hate filled ramblings, as it looks like he will be the only one rotting in hell after all is said and done...!

  6. "Li'l Donnie" wants everyone who doesn't love him to "rot in hell", though Donald Trump is the one who will end up rotting in hell... but since he doesn't believe in God or Heaven and Hell... at least, in grave in the deep rough, somewhere on the back nine of one of his soon to be foreclosed golf courses, due to his New York fraud case conviction... and may he rest in peace, in the weeds, while soon forgotten...!
