Monday, January 1, 2024

My view... 2024-01-01-0001



  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR... and remember, the party isn't over until "Li'l Donnie" says it's over...!

  2. I think the party is over... and it's time to through this stinkin' garbage out...!

  3. "Li'l Donnie" says if you pull his finger... it will be your fault...!

  4. Looks like the aftermath of another Mar-a-Lago Trump New Year's party...! But who is going to take out all the trash...?

  5. Something is rotten in Mar-a-Lago... and it is more than likely "Li'l Donnie"...!

  6. So much trash and too little time to clean up America, before 2024...!

  7. So, the leftover trash from Trump's Mar-a-Lago new year's celebration... is that the pile of crap shown on the left side of the cartoon or the old, stinkin' pile of crap on the right side of the cartoon...? The one that smells like armpits, butt, dried ketchup and orange makeup...! I think Trump has answered my own question for me...!

  8. Yes, Americans can clean up all of the Trump crap with their vote in 2024... "Just Do It"...!

  9. WARNING...! Pull Trump's finger at your own risk, as once "Li'l Donnie" has released his unmistakable, Trump Brand, essence, there's no putting it back in the old carcass...!

  10. 🎵
    Pull Trump's finger once
    And a little whiff will do ya,
    Pull twice, only if you dare
    But pull three times and
    The stench will pursue ya
    But only if you don't care...!
