Saturday, December 2, 2023

My view... 2023-12-02-0001



  1. Join Trump's "Moms For 3-Ways" group today and make those holier than thou MAGA hypocrites think they're greater than they really are...!

  2. Trump's into 3-ways and would join right now... but he would have have to cut his one on one time down from 90 seconds to 45 seconds... MAX...! But hey, he's not as young as he use to be...!

  3. Join "Moms For 3-Ways" now, by going to Trump.con, to sign up for only $9.95... and by clicking on the tiny, little box, at the bottom of the page, we will put you on our monthly, recurring plan, to keep your membership current, so you won't lose your valuable spot on our preferred list of Trump's special "forever" members... and don't forget to bring your husbands or male friends to our meetings, as they are always welcome...!

  4. "Moms For 3-Ways" from Sunday... or what the MAGA hypocrites do for the next 6 days, after they go to church...! It's O.K., because their "Orange Jesus" says it's O.K. Thank God for the new Christian Right...👩🧔👱‍♀️...and their interpretation of the MAGA Bible, as told in the Book of Trump, verses 1 thru 45...!

  5. Trump's MAGA "Mom's For America... 3-Ways" hypocrites... doing as they say... not as they do...! The typical "Li'l Donnie" supporters... LOSERS...!

  6. Making America Great Again...! Now let explain this, as a lot of people don't know that I understand numbers, probably better than anybody... and that 3 is greater than 2 and that's why I support 'Mom's For 3-Ways" and the American/Evangelical values they stand for...!

  7. "Li'l Donnie" has always been into "3-Ways For Moms"... with his wife, (after childbirth),and his future, second wife. and... with his second wife, (after childbirth), and his future third wife, (after childbirth), and porn stars and Playboy Bunnies... and who knows who else...! But hey... when you're a big star and a serial adulterer, they let you do it...!

  8. Yeah... :Li'l Donnie" would join this group of "Moms For 3-Ways'" in a minute... if only to partake in the 90 second initiation ceremony...!

  9. So, "Li'l Donnie" says he would join this 3-Way right now... but Melania says; over her dead body... unless the other 2 didn't include "Li'l Donnie"...!
