Saturday, April 22, 2023

My view... 2023-04-22-0001



  1. Talk about "I'm-bare-assing"... it looks like "Li'l Ronnie" is not "cracked" up to be president after all...!

  2. Looking for a hero who is cowardly enough to run away from a Trump wedgie...? Ron DeSantis - 2024...!

  3. O.K. "MAGA-Lites", don't get your skivvies all twisted in a wedgie, as there is still time to go back to "Li'l Donnie"... a proven LOSER...!

  4. Like "Li'l Ronnie" says; "I'm-bare-assing" myself, and that's embarrassing , so please don't notice when "I'm-bare-assed", as I'm tired of being the "butt" of everyone's jokes and being looked at when "I'm-bare-assed"...!

  5. Things were tough for "Li'l Ronnie", growing up, but with the help of his many "friends", he was able to be pulled up by his own wedgies, to go on and become the beloved leader he is today... DeSantis - 2024...! It's time to get behind "Li'l Ronnie" and help tug him up and over the finish line...!

  6. "Li'l Ronnie" tried to measure up to Donald, "butt"... his just wasn't as big as Trump's... "in the end"...! Although, their "anal" characteristics are very similar and sometimes difficult to distinguish between, especially when they open their mouths and try to say something intelligent, as it always seems to come out as B.S.

  7. "Li'l Ronnie" says he showed them...! Actually, after getting pantsed by Trump, in public, he showed DeSantis what a real ass he is... almost as big an ass as Trump...!
