Thursday, April 6, 2023

My view... 2023-04-06-0002



  1. The judge asked Mr. Trump if he fully understood what he was saying... and Trump's simple, yet moronic reply, speaks for itself...!

  2. O.K., we all know what "Li'l Donnie" was trying to say... but like every time he opens his mouth, everything just comes out all screwed up and resembles more of what he is really wants to say. In other words, garbage in... moron out...!

  3. Hush your mouth...! Don't you be talkin' about our "Li'l Donnie" that way...!

  4. "Li'l Donnie" definitely has a grasp of what he is saying... why would anyone doubt that, as it's Trump that we're talking about here, a man who has never grasped anything in his life, other than a...

  5. There you go again, "Li'l Donnie", rambling along like a tumbling tumble weed...!
