Saturday, April 1, 2023

My view... 2023-04-01-0001



  1. Happy April Fool's Day... as if it's not America's number 1 epitome of a living, breathing, walking, talking, loser, here to let us all know what a real fool looks like. Thank you "Li'l Donnie"... enjoy yourself and have a great day and if anyone deserves it... you do...!

  2. Do you think Trump will call Stormy, as a fact witness, to confirm it couldn’t have been him because his hands are much too small…?

  3. Nope... his "bigly" ego wouldn't let him admit to how small he really is...!

  4. If the cuffs don't fit, you must acquit...! Hey, it's just like O.J., and we all know how innocent he is...!

  5. Is our "Li'l Donnie" whining that these handcuffs are too tight or just too heavy for his tiny, little hands...?

  6. Can we get somebody to tape Trump's handcuffs in place, so they won't fall off, during his perp walk photo session, as he wants to use the pictures to fund raise off of...!

  7. Remember America... you're in good hands with "The Pussy Grabber"... because you let him do it...!

  8. Is the life of a privileged, loser, crime family boss and con man, with tiny hands, about to change and/or come to an end... we can only hope...!

  9. Whaaaaa...! Why me...? What did I ever do...?

    O.K. "Li'l Donnie", let us count the ways but you
    may want to sit down, as this is going to take a
    while to tell the story about your privileged, loser,
    lying, con man, wannabe crime family boss life,
    that has come to this point:

    In the beginning, Donald John Trump's mother
    did not have an abortion... and as they say, from
    there, the rest is history. Sad but true, but more
    sad than true, for all the rest of us, as it was all
    down hill from there...!

    O.K. "Li'l Donnie", you don't have to sit any longer,
    as it looks like we have made this long story short
    because we all know who you were and are and
    always have been. But hey, thanks for playing...!.

  10. Stormy backs Trump's claim that there was no "affair"...! Heck, as Stormy says, it only lasted 90 seconds... ! So, what kind of an affair can you develop in that "short"... and Stormy does mean "short", amount of time...? Besides, Stormy isn't sure that "Li'l Donnie" even accomplished what he started out to do...!

  11. Non animal lover, "Li'l Donnie", calling Stormy "horse face", wouldn't know what a real hoses face looks like, if one was standing right in front of him... that is, of course, unless that horse, of course, is the unmistakable Marjorie Taylor Greene... of course...! Now she's America's poster child for a horse face...!

  12. Couldn't find handcuffs small enough...? Maybe they should try some Chinese finger traps... although, they probably can't find any small sizes of those. Maybe "Li'l Donnie" can get his January 6th supporters to give him some of their zip ties...!
