Tuesday, April 4, 2023

My view... 2023-04-04-0001



  1. The New York Prosecutors -vs- The Trump Crime Family...! This is going to be Yuuugh...!

  2. Junior: Nice move Daddy, throwing Ivanka over the rail, as we never trusted her anyway...!

    Eric: Yeah Daddy, it's time to bring the new rookie Tiffany in, to take her place...!

    Junior: But make sure she signs a N.D.A. and only gets paid rookie wages...!

    Eric: Wait a minute... I'm still only getting paid rookie wages...!

    "Li'l Donnie": Yeah... because you were the rookie of the original three... and you haven't improved since...!

    Eric: Oh Daddy, you noticed me...!

    "Li'l Donnie": No, I didn't notice you... but I've heard other people say...!
