Friday, October 21, 2022

My view... 20922-10-21-0001



  1. It sure looks like poor "Li'l Donnie" is going to be hangin' alone on this one...!

  2. Dang me, dang me
    They oughta take my tie and hang me
    Hang me from the highest tree
    Won't anybody lie for me...?

  3. Hanging on until the end...? Don't worry, as "Li'l Donnie" will cut all of his "ties" to the documents he stole... before running back to Mar-a-Lago, to hide, like the lyin', little pussy he is...! So, remember;

    Losers always lie
    Then they start to cry
    Before once again they try
    To tell another lie...!

  4. Hangin' together or hangin' alone... it's time for "Li'l Donnie" to hang it up, give all the documents back and face the music for what he has done... including his enablers...! This is nothing short of TREASON...!
