Thursday, October 13, 2022

My view... 2022-10-13-0001



  1. A couple of dipsticks or just a couple of double dippers looking for a quick buck...?

  2. "Li'l Vlad" will accept missiles for oil, while "Li'l Vinny" will accept bone saws or any other dismembering tools for oil... and/or, as always,... cash, "on the barrel head"...!

  3. What did you expect... as "Li'l Donnie" is our man. We love that little loser, as he gives us anything we want and all we have to give him is golden orbs and soccer balls...!

  4. Oh look...! "Li'l Vinny" and "Li'l Donnie" are running low on oil, (wink, wink), as they are forced to raise prices...! Don't forget to wipe off that dipstick before you boys shove it back in...!

  5. Whis time we got Moose and Squirrel over barrel... or so thinks Boris Vladenov, (a.k.a. "Lil Vlad")...!

  6. If y...!ou want oil, forget fist bump or belly bump... you need to kiss our ass, so pucker up...!
