Sunday, October 16, 2022

My view... 2022-10-16-0001



  1. It looks like "Li'l Donnie" threw in one of those four letter Bible words, "thee", to keep his Evangelical base happy... and reconfirm that his "aced" intelligence test score, (person, woman, man, camera, TV), wasn't a fluke.

  2. A little more mud and you can turn Trump's T-shirt into a total "brown shirt"...! Or, you can just drop the "r" from shirt and change the color to "orange" and call Trump what he is...!

  3. Yep... "Li'l Donnie" is just a ramblin' man... opening his mouth and doing the worst he can...!

  4. Jews will not replace me.
    They only need embrace me,
    or I will just erase thee...!

  5. I know, Trump's handwriting should look so good... but we all know he has unpaid ghost writers on his staff, hoping to score a few crumbs, from his scams, when nobody is looking...! So, the handwriting may not be his but those anti-Semitic, racist rants are 100% Trump... GUARANTEED...!

  6. "Li'l Donnie" needs to be aware of the "blow back", when he starts slinging his racist, hate filled, mud around... or, learn how to duck...!

  7. Is history repeating itself, as America's little orange Nazi rears his ugly head along with his much bigger and uglier rear...!

  8. Is "Li'l Donnie" being persecuted in his alternative world, as history is distorting itself in his warped mind...? O.K., we already know the answer to that... NEXT...!
