Thursday, October 13, 2022

My view... 2022-10-13-0002



  1. "Li'l Binny" and "Li'l Vlad"... doing what they do best, for a buck...!

  2. "MBS", (a.k.a. Money Buys Scum) and "Li'l Vlad", (a.k.a. Flabimir Poopin'), protectors of humanity...?

  3. As far as "Li'l Vlad" is concerned, regardless of how low the price is for his discount oil he sells to China, it's a chance to buy more weapons to kill innocent Ukrainian women, children and old people...!

  4. Yeah... "Li'l Vlad" likes killing innocent women, children and old people, as his soldiers aren't man enough to fight real Ukrainian soldiers... knowing they will most likely be killed in Putin's unprovoked, illegal war...!

  5. At Binny and Vlad's Discount Wholesale Oil, we will sell to anyone as evil and corrupt as us...!

  6. At Binny and Vlad's Discount Wholesale Oil, show us a confirmed, body count in any current war, (or special military operation), you are engaged in... and if your total is the highest for the week, receive an extra 10% off you first 1,000 barrels...!

  7. Remember, at Binny and Vlad's Discount Wholesale Oil, we have the oil to fuel your dreams, in any of your illegal military endeavors...!

  8. It's Binny and Vlad's, secret, buddy, barter system... as we will trade oil for some items... but prefer cash, (in U.S. Dollars), but will take your country's crappy currency, if we have to...!

  9. Yeah, at Binny and Vlad's Discount Wholesale Oil, we will trade our oil for just about anything... that's why they call us "The Twin Terrorists"... or is that "The Twin Traitors"... I mean "Traders"...! Oh heck, if you don't know who we are by now, maybe you will never know...!

  10. Biggest oil sale of the year...! 50% off to our good friends and loyal customers in China and North Korea. Supplies are limited as these prices won't last forever, so order now, as all others will be paying through the nose, (or is that hose)... and there's nothing they can do about it, as their "electric dream scheme" will never work, (we hope), or we will have to go back to selling sand...!

  11. At “Li’l Binny” and “Li’l Vlad's” Discount Wholesale Oil, we will sell to anyone as evil and corrupt as we are and at a discount. All others to pay retail, plus, just because we can make you. So, good luck with your “electric dream scheme”, as hopefully, it will never work or you will force us to go back to selling “Saudi Sand” and “Putin Potatoes”, which we have more than you, HA, HA…!

  12. So, who are the smart ones now, as Putin says, try making batteries for your electric cars, without Russian potatoes...!

  13. As always, like MBS says, there's no blood on his hands, when asked about his Jamal Khashoggi killing, (that's what his "Muumuu/Jammie Robe" is for...!

  14. Big Sale...HURRY...! Low priced, discount oil for "blood money", for our loyal friends and customers. Buy now, as supplies are limited... thanks to our rigging the market for our gain...!
