Thursday, July 21, 2022

My view... 2022-07-21-0001



  1. Trump tried the booger conspiracy but everyone else kept picking it apart, except for Junior, who seems to have a “nose” for that kind of snuff… I mean stuff. Although, snuff may be more accurate, in Junior’s case…!

  2. FOX News, in their endeavor to bring it's viewers the most pertinent and informative news, digs deep into its box of never ending conspiracies, to fill the brains of the FOX faithful, with the crap that only FOX can come up with...! Garbage in... garbage out... but in reality, the garbage just seems to stick inside the brains of those who consume it. Like "Li'l Donnie" says... SAD...!
    [Note: Regardless, Trump's still a loser...!]

  3. How does "Li'l Donnie" post to his Truth Social with boogers on his fingers...? Inquiring minds want to know...!

  4. Hey "Li'l Donnie";

    Shake, shake, shake...
    Shake, shake, shake...
    Shake your boogers,
    Shake your boogers...!

  5. O.K., we all know "Li'l Donnie" doesn't really care about America... but what about the rest of us... do "U" care...? We can forget Melania, as we all know she doesn’t care…!

  6. Hey "Li'l Donnie", if you keep picking at it, it will never get better... and if the January 6th Committee keeps picking at it, it will only get worse, as it has and will...!

  7. "Li'l Donnie" was picked clean of his yuuugh election victory, even though he lost by over 7 million votes...! Now that's one booger that got in the way of a happy Trump kind of day.

  8. O.K., you want to play Clue...? "Li'l Donnie", in the dining room, with a hamburger, watching FOX, while Melania was upstairs, looking a carpet samples, oblivious to everything that's going on around her... or just another typical day in, I don't care, do "U" land, at the White House...!

  9. Hey "Li'l Donnie"... having trouble
    with those boogers...?

    When your good times turn around
    You must flick it
    You will never live it down
    Unless you flick it
    No one gets away
    Until you flick it

    I say flick it
    Flick it good
    I say flick it
    Flick it good
    It's not too late to
    Flick it good.

    Other than that, "Li'l Donnie", you're
    still a loser... and you're stuck with
    that, no matter how hard you flick it...!

  10. Not big enough to be a real man, "Li'l Donnie" will always be remembered as the "Li'l Booger" loser that couldn't, wouldn't and didn't care about America... as he will go down as the worst "booger" ever "picked" to be president... and we're "sNOT" lying...!
