Saturday, July 2, 2022

My view... 2022-07-02-0001



  1. Maybe Brett and Clarence will finally be held accountable for their crimes against women, beer, Coke and America…? Or, maybe we are all just "boofing" ourselves, if we think that will ever happen...!

  2. Like Brett and Clarence always say; women can't handle rights... but how would they like to handle "some of this"... but not to worry women, as they will deny anything ever happened while they destroy your reputation...!

  3. And remember, if anything did happen, you will have the honor of carrying the child of your rapist to birth... so stop your complaining, as this child could become another Supreme Court Justice... or another rapist...! Remember, it's your body but it's their choice, so deal with it...!

  4. Boof me, Daddy, with eight Shots from the bar...!

  5. Yo Dog... Clarence...! Is that "hair of the dog" brand Coke based on your pet, little wiener dog or somebody else's pet dog...?

  6. Oh... Clarence... wishes he had an Oscar Mayer wiener, while Brett would settle for a little Vienna Sausage...! Actually, Brett would probably settle for a free beer, as we all know how much Brett loves beer... especially if it's free...!

  7. Justice Amy agrees. "You want rights...? You're women, you can't handle rights...!" And, Amy knows, 'cause she's a woman... and she can't handle rights...!

  8. Besides... those other five Justices are men and they only let play if she goes along, as only they know how to handle women's rights...!
