Tuesday, July 19, 2022

My view... 2022-07-19-0001



  1. Poor "Li'l Donnie", so full of hot air... and now he's losing it, as we are able to see through all the holes that have been poked into his "Big Lie"...!

  2. Yep, poor "Li'l Donnie"... passing gas on his way to going down...!

  3. "Li'l Donnie" is leaking all over himself, as if that has never happened before, as we all know he just can't help himself. Hey, when you are so full of crap, it's hard to hold it all in... and we all know Trump if full of crap...!

  4. OH THE HUMANITY...! It looks like the Trumpenberg is going down... bigly...!

  5. It looks like it's time for "Li'l Donnie" to take the money and run... not for president, again... but to run to the border. Now, isn't Trump glad his stupid wall didn't get built...? Although, with his cost cutting style as a big time "CON-struction" boss, I'm sure his use of crappy building materials have allowed for many places, if his wall is still standing, in which he can squeeze his big, fat rear through...! So, hasta la vista "Baby Trump"... and don't let the wall hit ya, where the good Lord, (you know, the God you believe in so much), split ya, on your way out of the country and remember to say hi to Vlad and his/your "golden shower" girls, when you get back home to the country you really love... and remember, Russia is for losers, so you will fit right in with Putin...!

  6. When all the hot air is gone... where does the lyin' "Baby Trump" balloon go from here and who is going to have to drag it's lyin' ass to the dump...?
