Wednesday, July 13, 2022

My view... 2022-07-13-0001



  1. Sidney, Rudy and Michael. Oh my...!
    Powell, Giuliani and Flynn. Oh why...?
    Wackos, liars and traitors. Oh, sighhh...

  2. Who the hell his Patrick (overstocked with conspiracies) Byrne... and what tree did this nut job fall from...?

  3. Oh... it's neat to beat your feet on The Resolute Desk...! Way to go "Li'l Donnie"... you got class...!

  4. Sidney, "The Kracken", crack pot... when you ain't got nothin' else, except a cracked pot, call Sidney...!

  5. Michael Flynn... a general, general, in name only and a general convicted criminal, for crimes against America...!

  6. Poor Sidney Powell is so full of "Kracken", she can't see straight. Maybe it's time for her to take a "Kracken" dump and clean up her act, by telling the truth and stopping the big lie...!

  7. Yeah... Sidney, "The Kracken", crack pot... when you ain't got nothin' else, except a cracked pot, call Sidney, as she will carry your conspiracy water in her cracked pot, leaking credibility everywhere she goes...!

  8. Hey Rudy... you can't fool us, as that sure doesn't look like mouth wash... unless you're trying to pickle those bad breath germs, for use, later...!

  9. Who the hell his Patrick Byrne, the "overstocked guy"... ? Wasn't he more like the "oversexed guy" caught with that female Russian spy...?
    I guess we just have to wait to see Vlad's latest video releases...!

  10. Yep, sex lies and Russian spies, as "Li'l Donnie" set the bar really low in his administration...!
