Friday, December 24, 2021

My view... 2021-12-24-0001



  1. Come on people, how many times does "Li'l Donnie" have to ask you for money? Are you all stupid or something or maybe you’re just Trump morons? You know, this wouldn't happen if you were on his recurring donor's plan. Remember, Christmas is the giving season, SO GIVE...! [Note: Donations accepted 24/7, at Trump.con.]

  2. "Li'l Donnie" Claus isn't going around delivering bags of money, on Christmas Eve. He's actually going around picking up bags of money, before heading back to Mar-a-Lago, to celebrate his best Christmas "take" ever... while wishing a very Merry Christmas to all of his good and giving, little suckers... and to all the rest...good riddance...!
