Saturday, December 18, 2021

My view... 2021-12-18-0002



  1. Like "Li'l Donnie" says:

    I love the hot tubs at my Mar-a-Lago resort and hopefully this one will be as great as mine, although I doubt it, as nobody beats a "Trump Tub"...!

  2. Hey "Li'l Donnie", you may not be able to get a coke... "butt" you can certainly get an extra well done "T-Rump Steak" with a side of "Fried Lies" and all the ketchup your little, cholesterol starved heart can take...!

  3. And Donnie... Coach Jordan will be here, to "help you" into the hot tub, when your ready and don't worry, he won't tell anyone else that he saw you naked. You have his word, as we all know that he never lies... just like you...!
