Sunday, December 12, 2021

My view... 2021-12-12-0002



  1. Bringing back a vintage Palin Pit Bull character from the archives. Kind of like seeing Disney's Steamboat Willie. O.K., not really... but you get the idea.

  2. Is this how to identify a Republican...? This and matching the lipstick prints on Trump's rear end...!

  3. When you put lipstick on Marjorie "Terrorist" Greene, you get not just a pig with lipstick, you get a "bar hog" with lipstick...!

  4. Sorry... the space on this cartoon is not big enough to list all of the insurrectionist, idiot pigs in the Republican party... so, take your pick, from the many remaining Republicans, that didn't make the list, if your favorite isn't shown.
