Thursday, December 23, 2021

My view... 2021-12-23-0001



  1. Buyer beware of a con man bearing false witness...! Remember, fool me once...!

  2. My God, his statement is probably the first thing "Li'l Donnie" has ever rambled out of his mouth that comes close to making any sense. Note, this is only a cartoon, so you do understand that Trump never said that, even if he could express an intelligent thought... just saying...!

  3. Of course "Li'l Donnie" can say SPIN, as he's really good at 4 letter words. Anything longer and he needs help...!

  4. "Li'l Donnie" says he really gets this medical stuff... and if he hadn't been a "moron" president, he might have been a "moron" doctor or a "moron" scientist. Heck, if you prefix everything with "moron", Trump could be just about anything his tiny, little brain could think up...!
