Saturday, September 18, 2021

My view... 2021-09-18-0001



  1. The difference between Trump-Con and Comic-Con... not much, although the Trump-Con costumes are better...!

  2. Tens, if not hundreds...? One thing for sure, there was an overflowing crowd at the one porta-potty, for the Trump fans who just couldn't hold their excitement, of being there, inside, any longer...!

  3. Hey Marjorie and Ted... nice costumes... but we still know it's you...!

  4. [Apology from Ema Kitsune] I'm sorry, it appears there may have only been tens of tens "people" at Trump's D.C. rally. I guess I was being generous when I said tens of hundreds.

  5. Yep... Ted thought it was a Comic-Con, when they said D.C. rally...!

  6. Hey Ema, no need to apologize, as you were probably counting all the reporters from FOX News, not knowing why they were really there...!

  7. FOX News was probably there on mask patrol... that, or trying to pick up a little overtime bounty money, looking for pregnant women who were raped in Texas...!

  8. Welcome to Trump-Con and the sound of silence...

    And the people bowed and prayed
    To the orange and bronzer god they made
    And the sign flashed out a warning
    In the words that it was forming
    And the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the White House walls
    And in the Congress halls"
    And whispered in the sound of silence...!

  9. It looks like this rally proved that the January 6th rally really was just a bunch of terrorist cowards, afraid to come back to the scene of their crimes...!
