Saturday, September 4, 2021

My view... 2021-09-04-0002



  1. FIX TRUMP FIRST...! That's something that should have been done years ago...!

  2. Yeah... and maybe all of his victims would have been saved from "The Curse of the Mushroom"...!

  3. Yes “Li’l Donnie", the FIX is in... and for you, it still means the same.

  4. ... and don't forget to send your money to Trump, to keep the scam... I mean, the dream, alive...!

  5. A soft "ball" question, requiring a hard "ball" answer. "It's way past time to nip this problem in the bud...!" I know that fix means the same as neuter but does bud mean what I think is being implied here or is this a question for WebMD...? The "ball's" in your court.

  6. I can't tell from this... but are Trump's grades getting better...?

  7. His grades aren't getting better... we're all just getting dumber from listening to him...!

  8. It looks like "Li'l Donnie" hasn't been paying his graphics department, lately, that is if he ever has paid them. Come on, he's the Donald, why would he pay his bills...?

  9. Why would Trump waste his lavish education or his own money, paying someone else to due what he could perfectly and flawlessly do in half the time... a quarter of the time... heck, in NO time... and still get in 18 holes of golf, (at 18 under par), all before breakfast...! Who could do that...? No one... no one but Donald J. Trump...!

  10. Why would Trump pay his graphics department or anyone else, for that matter... especially on Labor Day...!
