Saturday, September 11, 2021

My view... 2021-09-11-0002



  1. A note from Ema Kitsune:
    I apologize for all the cartoons depicting Trump's rear end, "butt" he's always making such an ass of himself, it's hard not to...!

  2. The real Donald Trump, exposed in the "end", once more, for what he is...!

  3. No, that signature isn't a tattoo... but it is permanent Trump marker ink...!

  4. And don't forget to sign up for Trump's recurring "Ass of the Month" photos, depicting his dumb ass statement of the month. Don't be left "behind", as "Li'l Donnie" needs your help... NOW...!

  5. "Li'l Donnie" wants to know if the late Reverend Moon's Unification Church is the same one that has those mass weddings, as he's thinking if it's possible to marry his next three wives, in a mass wedding, all at once, so he can combine his prenup and N.D.A.'s all into one document, thus to save attorney's fees, (not that he would pay them anyway)...!
