Thursday, September 9, 2021

My view... 2021-09-09-0002



  1. Hoping for a fight between "Li'l Donnie" and "Li'l Doper", we end up with two commentators... one talking about his rigged election and remembering his biggest inauguration crowds ever... EVER... and his loser son, honing his "comedy" routine, while dropping "one liners" on anyone in front of him...!

  2. What do you mean they're only doing commentary...? I thought we were paying $49.99 to see them beat the crap out of each other... since they are both full of it. Now that would have been worth $49.99, as they both have it coming...!

  3. Junior looks a little sickly with his shirt off... or is that just what drugs do to your skin...? We know what they have done to his brain.
