Saturday, May 29, 2021

My view... 2021-05-29-0001



  1. Maybe "Li'l Donnie" should listen to the Pointer Sisters, to figure out what he "Can Can" do to help heal America.

  2. I went to a Pointer Sisters concert, at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, in downtown Portland, in the early 70’s, when all four sisters were still together. I had a center section, front row seat, as I had purchased my ticket when they first went on sale. At the end of the show, Bonnie Pointer took off one of her long gloves and threw it into the audience and it almost landed at my feet, but before I even knew what was happening, some young girl, near me, dove on the floor and scooped it up. My Pointer Sisters memory… and my loss.

  3. "Li'l Donnie" Can-Cast cans are made in America from 100%, recycled Goya bean cans. Talk about a "Bean New Deal"...! Who says Trump doesn't care about the environment.

  4. Why would "Li'l Donnie" spend money to create a podcast, when he can be the first on his block to have his very own "Can-Cast"...? Donald J. Trump, America's greatest businessman, ever, ahead of the curve once again.
