Saturday, May 22, 2021

My view... 2021-05-22-0001



  1. Justice is mine sayeth the Lord... or at least in this case, sayeth the court, maybe, with a non-corrupt/non-Barr court...!

  2. But don't worry, one way or another, as God will get a crack at "Li'l Donnie" and his Family, when the time comes... count on it!

  3. It looks like Michael Cohen was right, as "Li'l Donnie" flipped first... and on Jared. It also looks like Jared's wife may be up for grabs, again, in Trump's future, (chick magnet that he is), once Jared is out of the way.

  4. According to the scale on the booking photo wall, the "very small and petty" Trump Crime Family only appears larger than life, once you see them for who and what they really are... "BIG TIME LOSERS"...!

  5. Melania... Melania... MELANIA...! Where's Melania....? "Li'l Donnie" needs some help.

  6. It looks like it's time for Jared to take one for the team... although he has never really been part of the team...!
