Friday, May 21, 2021

My view... 2021-05-21-0001



  1. It looks like God gave "Li'l Donnie" one last chance... and after a life of lies and crimes, not to mention breaking all Ten Commandments, even God has finally had enough. Nice touch, though, using the old anti-Noah con, to catch Trump one last time. So yep, "Li'l Donnie", it looks like you may finally be going down and taking a lot of your co-conspirators with you, although I'm sure many will start jumping ship, when they see where you're headed.

  2. So God, where does "Li'l Donnie" go now...? We all know where a lot of people are telling him to go but do you agree with them...?

  3. Trump's golden ark of his covenant with his supporters, made with cheap materials and covered with gold paint, (Trump style). Nice try "Li'l Donnie" but it's not nice to try and fool God. Are you ready to feel his wrath...?
