Thursday, May 20, 2021

My view... 2021-05-20-0001



  1. But wait, there’s more. Also available at Trump.con, for only $9.95, it’s the all new, fun and exciting game for the whole family... “Tiddly-Trumps”, where you can win several ways; by putting one, two, three, four or all of the “Tiddly-Trumps” in the can. Don’t wait, get your “Tiddly-Trumps” today. O.K., so I have been self isolating much too long, as this Trump disease is starting to take a toll.

  2. Hey, if you get all five chips in the can, then EVERYBODY WINS...! Well, not exactly everybody, as there will always be those FIVE LOSERS that are in the can, hoping for a parole or at least an early release.

  3. The black chip is bad... the white "Flipper" chips are good... the red, yellow, green and blue chips are bonus points when combined with the black chip.
