Saturday, May 16, 2020

My view... 2020-05-16-0001


  1. Maybe"Li'l Donnie" should have used these glasses when he looked at the Sun...! But then again, stupid is as stupid does.

  2. When there are bats in the belfry, it's easy to be as blind as one! Thank God "Li'l Donnie" is a stable genius or those bats in his belfry might never allow him to figure out what's going on. Either that or we are all stuck with a president who is just full of bat guano! So, America, who you "guano" trust...? I mean gonna trust, although "guano", in Trump's case, works too.

  3. Forget the buck... the crap, guano or whatever you want to call it, stops here, on November 3rd, with "Li'l Donnie". Then we can get on with cleaning up after him and the yuuugh mess he's leaving behind... and that's when we can really use disinfectants to do the job they were created for.
