Thursday, May 7, 2020

My view... 2020-05-07-0002


  1. That's right "Li'l Donnie", it's not that kind of test. All you have to do with this test is stick that pencil up your nose and then check for germs on it when you pull it out. Hopefully, there's "snot" any and you will be O.K. Take care and stay stupid!

  2. No "Li'l Donnie", you don't have to read, write or answer any hard questions... as we all know you can't. Thank God your daddy paid your school and all of your teachers to let you pass your courses, without encumbering the burden of having to carry around knowledge in that very, very large a-brain of yours. You are no more or less the wiser for it. Now there, that didn't hurt... did it?
