Friday, May 8, 2020

My view... 2020-05-08-0002


  1. Come on little piggy... trust “Li’l Donnie”, this is for a good cause. It's going to hurt him more than it is you. Besides, would he ever lie to you? He loves you; your little piggy feet, (wah, wah, wah, all the way home), your ribs, your chops, your sausage, your ham, your bacon. Ahhhhh... your bacon! Come on, it's the least you can do for him... Trump 2020!

  2. It looks like "Li'l Donnie" and pigs are closely "tied" together... which probably explains a lot of things we know about Trump! No offence to the animal pigs... just pigs like Trump. His "Me Too'ers" accusers know what I'm talking about.
