Saturday, May 2, 2020

My view... 2020-05-02-0001


  1. Where are Trump’s bootlickers...? They're usually right behind him, fulfilling their other duties! Now that’s what Trump calls an essential worker! As far as all of America’s real essential workers... they’re on their own! Now make sure "Li'l Donnie" and his kids and rich friends get their daily tests!

  2. Hey Donnie, where would you be if those essential workers didn't come in after you to clean your stinkin' toilets? We all know... up to your neck in shhhhh...! O.K., we'll be quiet and won't say it but we all know... and so do you! So, get off the pot and start doing your job to help those who really need help and not you, your family and your rich friends!

  3. America is in harm's, (Trump's), way! It's time to liberate ourselves come November, so don't forget to vote!

  4. Like Trump says... essential workers, like dog poop on your shoes, are not essential, until you can't find an essential worker to clean your shoes. But hey, isn't that what Eric and Junior are for? I know, manual labor from a Trump that also requires a skill...? That's too much to ask, especially of the privileged class. WHERE'S MIKEY! Mikey will do it... Mikey likes it!
