Tuesday, November 26, 2019

My view... 2019-11-26-0001


  1. ... and like we believe he even read "The Art of the Deal" book he never wrote. Too many big words for "Li'l Donnie" to handle in his "very, very large a-brain".

  2. America's big time, military tough guy, sticking his corrupt and lying nose where it doesn't belong, one more time... or maybe it's just Trump's "post traumatic bone spur disorder", caused by all those STD's he was fighting, at home, back during the Vietnam war!

  3. "The Golden Rule for Dummies"... must not have had very many pictures, if Trump didn't read it!

  4. "The Golden Rule for Dummies"... Trump must have thought it was a book of rules on how to con people out of their money.

  5. "The Golden Rule for Dummies"... Trump too stupid to even read that book! He probably thought "Dummies" was French.
