Saturday, November 16, 2019

My view... 2019-11-16-0001


  1. Hopefully this mask will help "Li'l Donnie" keep his foot out of his mouth... but don't hold your breath!

  2. "M'mm, M'mm, M'mm"... "Li'l Donnie" is finger lickin' good and bad for your health! What could be better then a Trump steak cooked in its own fat?

  3. IT'S ALIVE! IT'S ALIVE! Nope, it's just a lie... another Trump lie. GOD, if he only had a brain... but let's thank GOD he doesn't, because he doesn't have a heart to go along with a brain. A heart, to have compassion and to understand the difference between good and evil, to do what's right. But hey, like his supporters like to say, it's just Donnie, being Donnie... so, GET OVER IT!

  4. If impeachment doesn't get him, it will be up to "The Village" to take care of him, come next November. Let's just hope we can all survive until then.

  5. There's "Li'l Donnie" trying to take a bite out of crime. Hey Donnie, you bought it, you eat it!
