Thursday, November 21, 2019

My view... 2019-11-21-0001


  1. If you stand too close to "Li'l Donnie", you're going to get burned... every time!

  2. Looks like a bunch of "fry babies" to me. WAA-WAAAA! Didn't their mothers ever teach them not to play with fire?

  3. Quick... somebody throw "Li'l Donnie" a loop... he's lying, I mean frying, in his own fat! [Note: Lying and frying are both correct, when it comes to Trump.]

  4. Is that Rudy, walking the plank for "Li'l Donnie"? Or, is he just trying to get a handle on what he has gotten himself into. Now there's a real team player for you... or maybe, he just doesn't want to go down with the ship and a bunch of lying, crying babies!
