Friday, November 15, 2019

My view... 2019-11-15-0001


  1. Ukraine is a terrible thing to lose... but Trump’s “very, very large a-brain”... not that big of a deal, so no need to worry, as I’m sure it will turn up some day. Now, let's get Ukraine back while there's still time and get rid of "Li'l Donnie" before he can do more damage.

  2. On second thought... leave it empty. We will all be better off!

  3. Save that brain for someone who knows how to use it and don't waste it on "Li'l Donnie". "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." SAVE THE BRAIN! SAVE THE BRAIN! SAVE THE BRAIN!

  4. Sorry, this is not the "very, very large a-brain" we were looking for and not a very stable one... but it will just have to do for now, so GET OVER IT! Compared to what he was using, it has got to be better.
