Thursday, September 26, 2019

My view... 2019-09-26-0001


  1. And there's "Li'l Barr-Barr" bringing up the rear... while trying to cover Trump's rear, once again!

  2. It looks like "Li'l Barr-Barr" is about to wet his "happy tune" whistle, while backing up Trump.

  3. Question: How difficult is it to whistle when you're always kissing Trump's rear? Oh well, "Li'l Barr-Barr", at least you can rest assured that you will be remembered for something that defines your life. Good boy, "Li'l Barr-Barr", good boy!

  4. For those of you who remember The Whistler from the 1940's... he knew who was guilty then and he knows who is guilty now... so feel free to whistle along. You do know how to whistle don't you? You just put your lips together and... but that's a different story and you get the idea. Now, back to The Whistler... [Footsteps and whistling.]
