Sunday, September 1, 2019

My view... 2019-09-01-0001


  1. It seems like a pretty simple choice to me... SAVE THE CHILDREN, then get rid of the "simpleton" in the White House!

  2. It looks like "Li'l Donnie Death" is back... and this time, it has got to be the lowest he can go... but then again, it is Donnie, the chosen one. So, remember to thank all of those who chose him last time... and for the rest of us, to make sure he doesn't get chosen again! Don't forget to vote... for impeachment or at the ballot box. They both will work!

  3. Like "Li'l Donnie" says; it's time to send them back... the sicker the quicker! And if they die, after he kicks them out... that should deter them from trying to come back. Jesus loves you Donnie and we can see why God has chosen you.

  4. From a bully holding out his big heart, in his little hands, picking on the weakest among us, showing the world what a great and compassionate president he is. Trump will definitely go DOWN in history, to its lowest level, thus showing all that there is nowhere else we would expect to find him, except at the bottom of humankind.
