Wednesday, September 25, 2019

My view... 2019-09-25-0001


  1. Hey Donnie... you should probably worry more about what the distance is between a rock and a hard place!

  2. So, our "Li'l Donnie" is taking another crack at forecasting. It looks like somebody is going to need some help with his umbrella, when this storm hits. But then again, there are lots of Republicans, with umbrellas, running to cover his... you know what I mean. Besides, it's so big, he's going to need more than one to cover it!

  3. It looks like there's a storm a-brewin'... and it's headed right for the White House. It's time for "Li'l Donnie" to stock up on some paper towels... lots of paper towels!

  4. The shortest distance between 2 points is... go directly to jail... do not pass go... don't take any more emoluments... and return all the ones you've already have!

  5. Love - "45"... game, set, match! Is it me... or does that storm tracker look like a "Li'l Donnie" booty paddle he likes to have used on him?

  6. Maybe if I had a white sharpie, people would believe me. Somebody get me a white sharpie... NOW!
