Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My view... 2019-09-24-0001


  1. Look Donnie... "Li'l Kimmy" paid retail for one of your hats, plus he's willing to make up dirt on Joe Biden. Come on... lift those sanctions! You know you want to... 'cause you da deal makin' man!

  2. Hey Russia, if you're listening... heck, we know that you're still listening. So, it's time to start doing your "stuff" again, as "Li'l Donnie" is going to need your help once more... and this time, if he wins, he will definitely remove all those pesky sanctions he promised to remove last time... TRUST HIM! Would Donald Trump lie to you?

  3. Dear Donnie,

    Who needs Ukraine, when you have someone who loves you, right here in North Korea. Just tell me what you want... and consider it done!

    As always,
    Your "Li'l Buddy" Kimmy
