Saturday, July 27, 2019

My view... 2019-07-27-0001


  1. CONCENTRATION; was America's number one television game show... but for Donnie, concentration, not so much, especially if he has to think about it. He's more of a CONSTERNATION/CONSTIPATION/CONSPIRACY/CON MAN kind of guy.

  2. Concentrate Donnie... CONCENTRATE! It's like your daily briefing with pictures... or your teleprompter without big words. Concentrate Donnie... CONCENTRATE! You can do it! Yes you can! Yes you can! Yes you can!

  3. Sorry Donnie... it looks like we gave you too much information... too many big words... and maybe, the pictures were just a little bit above your "stable genius" intelligence level. Maybe Betsy DeVos can help you. I hear that she's smarter than a self taught 5th grader!
