Friday, July 12, 2019

My view... 2019-07-12-0001


  1. What choice does Donnie have for draining his swamp but to let it overflow, as he sure has plugged up the drain with all of his crappy appointments! Hopefully, someday Donnie will stop stinking up the place... but I doubt it, as he's so full of himself that his crap will never stop! For the rest of us... just hold your nose... as it will soon be over.

  2. When Donnie just lets his swamp overflow, he can maintain the quantity and the quality of the crap that he keeps inside... thus, what you get is; "crap in, crap out", and it never gets any better than that for our "Li'l Donnie"!

  3. The Trump swamp; the more it changes... the more it stays the same! Actually it gets worse.

  4. The Trump swamp; just let it overflow... see, it's self cleaning! Except for the really bad crap that just stays on the bottom.

  5. The Trump swamp; just let it overflow... but then, America gets stuck with the cleanup. Oh, and the lingering Trump stench... now that's something that won't be so easy to get rid of! But, it will be a strong reminder not to make another Trump mistake, in the future, when it comes to electing a "reality" loser for president.
