Friday, July 19, 2019

My view... 2019-07-19-0001


  1. See Donnie... you made the chart and it looks like you can stay too... but if you don't like all those other colors on the "All American Color Wheel", feel free to leave! But don't worry, for in your case, you won't be missed.

  2. I wonder if the lights are too bright... as Donnie only seems to see white... and not a pure, clean white but an ugly, dirty white. Maybe he's just getting old... or more likely, he was born that way and beyond any help.

  3. Look... there's also room for Big Bird (Yellow), Kermit (Green), the Blue Man Group (Blue), the One-Eyed, One-Horned, Flyin' Purple People Eater (Purple), Red Auerbach and Red Foxx (Red)... and even you, Donnie (Orange)... even you! You see Donnie, this is America and there's room for everybody! And, if you don't like being a part of this great, diverse, beautiful country... where we are all "FREE" to be an American, and "FREE" to speak... well, when you're on the way out, don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya... or maybe you just need a good whack on the rear!

  4. Hey Donnie... don't forget, there's color in all of us... even you, no matter how you try to hide it with your ultra orange bronzer.
