Thursday, July 18, 2019

My view... 2019-07-18-0001


  1. To paraphrase Trump’s rally theme song… he's proud to be an American... and proud to be a boy! So, stand up, America... and throw that "PROUD BOY" out! All together now. Throw him out! Throw him out! Throw him out!

  2. That's Donnie alright... America's own WHITE BONE "SPUR-EMACIST"! Proud boy, proud boy... whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when you know you're screwed? But not to worry Donnie because we know that when you're a big loser, like you, you'll let us do it... and then we will all deny we ever knew you... and that you're not our type... and with a face like yours... just look at it... well, you get the picture. America 1 (WON), Donnie 0 (ZERO)... actually less than zero... a lot less!
