Saturday, June 29, 2019

My view... 2019-06-29-0001


  1. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE...! Hey Donnie, America disavows any knowledge of who you are or what you are doing... except for all that criminal stuff you and your family are involved in... and you know what we're talking about!

  2. ... and Republicans are worried about Joe Biden giving a shoulder rub! We should be more worried about what "Li'l Donnie" does behind closed doors with Putin and Kim! Heaven forbid, if all three of them got together at one time. Americans sure hope those videos will be released someday, {viewer discretion advised)! Government issued soap will be provided, after viewing, for those needing to cleanse themselves.

  3. PHOTO OP! Did our "Li'l Donnie" get to go out and play with his bestest, new friend "Li'l Kim"... or did he just get played... AGAIN? Smile Donnie... PHOTO OP!

  4. Patty cake, patty cake, with a really fat man... doin' a border hop, with a little fat man. Hoppin' and jumpin' as fast as they can... try to get a picture of the really fat man! Who says our "Li'l Donnie" never had a childhood?
