Tuesday, June 25, 2019

My view... 2019-06-25-0001


  1. Diapers? Li'l Donnie doesn't change no stinkin' diapers! Heck, Li'l Donnie doesn't even change his own, as he leaves that job to his followers, who are always trying to clean up after him.

  2. Maybe Donnie would care...? I guess it depends on the size of his heart and the size of his "Depends"... and whose turn it is to change him! Nope! Sorry America; don't hold your breath, (unless you're around Donnie}, as it's never going to happen.

  3. Hey Donnie; just go back to the previous cartoon, as this is just another reason you can't go any lower than this... your final stop on your infamous journey to eternity. Hail,,, Heil... or Hell to the Chief! Yes Donnie, you won't be forgotten... but not like you had hoped.

  4. Donnie turned out O.K.? Donnie turned out GREAT! Just ask him... and make sure you bring some extra "Baby Wipes".

  5. That smell is in the nose of the beholder... so suck it in Donnie. You are who you are... SAD!
