Thursday, June 6, 2019

My view... 2019-06-06-0002


  1. You need somebody to count? How about ten counts of obstruction!

  2. Don't worry about Donnie sending this tweet... as he still has his big time attorney on his payroll. Nobody can touch him! Remember, he could shoot somebody... and “Li’l Barr-Barr” will be there... and besides, his Twitter followers don’t care. And also... don’t forget, no collusion and no obstruction!

  3. SEND...! Just a reminder, America, in case anyone forgot. It's who I am... it's who I've always been. Did you really ever think I would change? If so, I have a word for you... SUCKERS! Now, show me the MONEY! It's time to grab, while the grabbing is good.
