Wednesday, June 26, 2019

My view... 2019-06-26-0001


  1. Look... Donnie is wearing his CPAC "stupeedo" again! He seems to think the ladies like it.

  2. If Donnie said it didn't happen... IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! Donnie also said; "she's not my type", which begs the question; what is his type when it comes to rape, sexual abuse and inappropriate behavior? I guess what we have to do now is find out what his type is, so we can protect those women he may come in contact with in the future. Hopefully, with all this notoriety, he will now only be able to prey on his base of Evangelical Republican women, since they will believe anything he says and will allow him to do whatever he wants because when you're a star, like he seems to think he is, they will let him do it! TRUMP 2020... Keeping Americans Disgusted!
