Tuesday, December 3, 2024

My view... 2024-12-03-0001



  1. "Li'l Donnie", convicted felon, and his merry band of crooks, criminals and sexual predators and deviants, are out taking from the poor to give to the rich, while Trump takes his 95% cut right off the top...! Now who says this criminal isn't a great businessman...?

  2. Robbing Hood, definition: Generally, a not
    very smart, lower level, wannabe gangster,
    like "Li'l Donnie".

    Robbing: Take property, unlawfully, from a
    person or place. To steal for personal gain.

    Hood: This is fairly dated slang now, but it
    was very popular from the 30's to the 60's.
    A hood was often regarded as lower status
    than a gangster.

  3. You can take the "Slimeball" out of the swamp and put him in the White House but... you can never wash the swamp slime off, as slime is what it is... SLIME... especially when it grows from within, as Donald J. Trump is America's "Slimeball"...!

  4. 🎵 ..."and still found plenty of time to sing"... Y.M.C.A. 🎵


  5. Now, here's some trivia for you "Li'l Donnie" MAGA Morons.

    Why did "Li'l Donnie"/Robin Hood turn into "Robbing Hood"...?

    When he saw how easy it was to take from his stupid, loser
    supporters, without even trying...!

    It's easier to receive than to give, especially if you're too old
    and lazy to do an honest day's work...!
