Thursday, December 12, 2024

My view... 2024-12-12-0001



  1. It looks like "Li'l Donnie" has gotten another "spanking" magazine to play with in his old, perverted age, although, he will probably have to use it on himself, as he's not quite the "chick magnet" he use to be...!

  2. The second "TIME" may be a charm, for Trump, but the third "TIME", hopefully, will be for "LIFE", behind bars and a charm for America...!

  3. So, how long do you think it will take the Trump Crime Fanily before they start grifting off of this TIME Magazine cover, with some cheap "Trump Brand" rip-off...? Hey... it's the only thing the "Trump Trash" family knows how to do...!

  4. Is that a direct quote from "Li'l Donnie", in the center panel of this cartoon, as it sure looks like his "rambling" style of incoherent nonsence, that only a very old, incompetent moron could come up with, trying to convince his followers that he first came up with the word "TIME" and knows how to usr it properly, so everyone understands how important "HE" is...? I guess, "TIME" will tell, once his supporters wake up up...!

  5. It's "time" for real MAGA 🍄🍄🍄 mushroom 🍄🍄🍄 patriots to name Donald Trump America's "Dick-Traitor of the Year"...! Come on, you know you want to, as nobody deserves it more than "Li'l Donnie"...!

  6. Syria's Assad Family 54 year dictatorship ends, as America's Trump Family dictatorship enterss its 8th year... but, hopefully, will end much sooner, with the Trumps running away to Russia where they can all spend their infamy paying homage to and kissing "Li'l Putin's" rear end, while he is laughing his ass off, after conviscating all of their ill gottrn gains taken from the American people, as Trump and his family try to find a ground floor appartment... with no windows...!
