Thursday, December 19, 2024

My view... 2024-12-19-0001



  1. Trump and Musk... the DOGE Boys, the Doggy Boys or the Douche Boys, sticking it to America, as only these two LOSERS can...!

  2. Like "Li'l Donnie" says; who the heck needs Social Security and Medicar, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act when you're rich like Trump claims he is...? So, to all you losers in America, GET IT OVER IT, as there will soon be lots of jobs in the fields, picking crops, to feed all us rich people... and if that's not good enough, there will be lots of jobs in the food service industry, at fast food outlets or maid and janitorial jobs in the hotel motel sector... so you can thank Donald Trump, now, for promises kept...!

  3. Yeah... don't believe the Trump/Musk promises made... but the actions they take...!

  4. So, is Elon or Leon or DOGE-on the "John" that just bought "Li'l Donnie the Whore" the real President or just a shadow puppet master running the country...?
